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The aerospace industry is principally focused on the activities centered around space craft and space flight, originally for governments but now ever-expanding to address commercial needs and even eco-tourism.  This broad and complex industry does incorporate an offshore component, often associated with R&D projects and recovery operations.  Aerospace represents an important and growing segment of the global economy and the maritime sector.

Wind & Energy

Offshore Wind & Renewable Energy

Offshore Wind Farms (OWF) represent a significant potential source of new, clean energy to coastal areas of the United States. The federal government has issued leases and continues to evaluate new offshore wind projects, especially along the Northeast and MidAtlantic coasts, that could power millions of homes and businesses.  These offshore wind projects require the use of offshore vessels performing a variety of functions across the various stages of development (such as survey, transportation of blades and turbines, installation, inspection, maintenance, and crew transfer, to name a few).  GO mini supply vessels are perfectly suited for several of these roles and GO anticipates increased exposure to this segment across the various vessel classes as the market for wind expands.


Government and Military

GO is very honored to support our men and women in uniform and the many other branches of the US Government.  GO vessels are regularly employed in a variety of support roles including R&D, offshore training and drills, logistics and special projects.  Our Multi-Purpose Vessel GO America, based in Port Everglades, FL, operates in conjunction with our partners Global SubDive to support a large array of Government projects, often utilizing GSD submarines and ROVs.  Similarly, partner Ryan Marine is an expert in the field of unmanned vehicle operation which allows us to provide turnkey AUV and UUV services to Government agencies anywhere in the US and Caribbean. 


Documentary & Film

One of the most fun and exciting industries to support, Movie and Television productions are often in need of capable vessels like ours to film scenes, house crews or transport between sets.  Our vessels have participated in the filming of feature films movies Deepwater Horizon and Isolation.  GO America was also supporting actor in the TV series Cooper’s Treasure Season 2 and Shark Weeks “Tiger Shark King” episode.  GO vessels have even been mentioned on national news programs for their participation in life-saving rescues or other offshore recovery missions.  With our partners, Submarines and ROVs can be provided to assist with underwater cinematography.


Environmental & Disaster Response / Recovery

From normal activities likes waste management and ocean cleanup to disaster response and recovery, GO vessels are often on the scene making a difference.  We are dedicated to protecting the offshore environment and always searching for projects and methods to help make our oceans cleaner.

GO played a meaningful role during the BP Oil Spill, providing a large array of vessels and services during the MC 252 response.  Following major hurricanes Dorian and Maria, GO supported cleanup operations and logistics in the Bahamas and transported vital power generation equipment and other supplies to hospitals in Puerto Rico.  GO vessels can promptly arrive with a full load of fresh water, diesel fuel, heavy & light equipment, catering staff, coolers, generator power and related tools and equipment needed to provide hot meals to locals, first responders and clean-up crews during the early days of a disaster before the power grid is restored.


Geotechnical & Survey

Utilizing vessels like the 150 ft DP1 GO Liberty or the 170 ft DP1 GO Discovery, Geotechnical companies can perform detailed survey activities for their clients, such as seabed mapping, soil investigations and core sampling.  Depending on their equipment installed, our vessels can work in a variety of coastal or offshore environments and water depths.  The open cargo deck, ample accommodations, excellent maneuverability and station-keeping, all coupled with an efficient cost of operations, makes the GO fleet a consistently reliable choice for this industry.



GO vessels facilitate the inspection, maintenance and/or repair of pipelines, subsea structures, floating and fixed platforms and drilling rigs in a range of water depths.  Our IMR support activities extend well beyond traditional oil & gas roles and can include any number of industries such as Wind Turbines, Power Cables, Subsea or Surface Commissioning of structures, and sustainable energy equipment.  Often, IMR activities are conducted with Remotely Operated Vehicles (“ROV”); the GO Fleet possesses the accommodations, DP station-keeping and removeable side cargo rails necessary to support these operations.


Oil & Gas

Since the late 1940s, Oil & Gas companies have explored the U.S. Continental Shelf and International waters for hydrocarbons.  Since that time, tens of thousands of wells have been drilled and many hundreds of platforms erected in US waters alone.  Support vessels are a necessary and critical part of the offshore E&P environment and are utilized in almost every phase of the extraction process from survey and drilling to production and abandonment. GO maintains a strong presence in the northern Gulf of America E&P sector; our vessels are most often employed in support of Platform and Pipeline Operations (production activities, logistics, diving, ROV, inspection, maintenance, repair, plug and abandonment) however we also participate in certain early phases like survey.



This is a broadly defined industry that can encompasses rescue towing, putting out fires, patching or repairing a ship, refloating a sunken or grounded vessel, moving a disabled vessel in order to clear navigation channels, and raising sunken ships or their cargo.  The versatility of the GO mini-supply vessel fleet is well suited for many of these roles.  We have supported the needs of Salvage operations like the Golden Ray and even treasure hunting projects. 


Science & Research

Many public and private research institutions, universities, and endowments utilize offshore service vessels.  GO vessels have assisted in these endeavors along all US coasts and the Caribbean.  Our vessels offer a stable platform from which to conduct experiments and utilize specialized equipment, and our large accommodations can house many scientists and vessel crew simultaneously, and even be converted into floating laboratories.  Multi-Purpose Vessels like the GO Pursuit, operating in partnership with Ryan Marine, are especially well-suited for this industry, which often requires an A-frame and winch to deploy acoustic gear into the water column or down to the seafloor.